
Those who wish to join the PEEHS are asked to download the application
form (available as a Word file or PDF), fill in the form and send it as an
attachment with an email to the secretariat. The secretariat will in turn
send applicants an instruction to pay the membership fee. Applicants who
were not introduced by a current member, may leave the space provided in
the form blank.

The annual membership fee is 9000 JPY for normal members, 6000 JPY for
graduate student members, 2000 JPY for matrimonial members (in the case
where each of the couple has membership). The fee covers the quarterly
journal Rekishi to Keizai distributed to members as well as the spring and
the autumn conference fee.   

The financial year of the PEEHS starts in October and ends in the Following
September. The annual membership fee is charged regardless of the timing
of the entry: all editions of the journal for the year, from the first edition
published each year in October, will be provided to new members.

Members may pay the fee either by automatic fund transfer from Japan Post
Bank (transfer fee is covered by the PEEHS) or by postal transfer (transfer
fee is charged to the member). Please select the preferred method of
payment in the application form.